Town of Ramapo, New York
Questions? call: 845-357-5100


It has come to the attention of the Town of Ramapo that certain properties, which were otherwise designated as being tax exempt, may have overpaid certain Rockland County Solid Waste Authority Ad Valorem charges on their 2016 tax bill. There is a process contained in Real Property Tax Law Section 556, known as a “correction of errors”, whereby property owners may petition the County for a refund of these taxes. If you would like to attempt to seek a refund of the payment of these taxes you may pick up the relevant form from the Town of Ramapo Supervisor’s Office, the form must then be completed and filed with the County of Rockland.

Completed forms should be delivered to:

Mr. Sean Matthews
Director of Real Property Tax Services
Rockland County
50 Sanatorium Road
Building A, 8th Floor
Pomona, New York 10970

The form must be received by the County prior to the signing and delivery of the warrant to the Town of Ramapo. Therefore, it is imperative that you act immediately, either today or tomorrow, if you would like to file for a refund.


Once the 2016 application has been filed, please be in touch with the County of Rockland to determine your eligibility for refunds for additional years.

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