Town of Ramapo, New York
Questions? call: 845-357-5100







NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Town Board of the Town of Ramapo that, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Home Rule Law and the Town Law of New York State, it will hold a public hearing at Ramapo Town Hall, 237 Route 59, Suffern 10901on January 26, 2022 at 7:00 PM (prevailing time) to consider: (1) pursuant to Town Law 272-a, a proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment, entitled “Proposed Amendments to the 2004 Town of Ramapo Comprehensive Plan”, last revised December 8,2021; (2) an introductory local law to amend Chapter 376, Zoning, of the Town of Ramapo Town Code, entitled ““Introductory Local Law Amending Chapter 376, Zoning, of the Town of Ramapo Code to Add a new Mixed-Use (MU-3) Zoning District and Amend the Use Table and Bulk Regulations, and to amend the Zoning Map of the Town of Ramapo to Rezone Certain Parcels of Land from the RSH Zoning District Classification to the MU-3 Zoning District Classification” last revised December 7, 2021, to create a new MU-3 (Mixed Use) Zoning District, amend certain related provisions of Chapter 376, and amend the Town of Ramapo Zoning Map to change the zoning classification of certain from RSH to MU-3. Said lands are located at 155 Sterling Mine Road and the surrounding area, and are identified on the Tax Map of the Town of Ramapo by the Section, Block and Lot Numbers below, including, for lots adjacent to Sterling Mine Road, the premises extending to the centerline of said road:


38.10-1-10 through 60; and

38.13-1-2 through 55; and

38.14-1-1 through 75; and

38.14-2-1 through 44; and

38.14-3-1 through 46; and

38.17-1-3 through 11; and

                38.18-1-1 through 14.


This action was the subject of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). A SEQRA public hearing on the DEIS was held on May 26, 2021.


The proposed zoning and Comprehensive Plan amendments, and the SEQRA documents to date, including the DEIS Scoping Outline and the DEIS, are available for public review in the Town Clerk’s office at Town Hall and on the Town of Ramapo's website at

The proposed zoning and Comprehensive Plan amendments, and the SEQRA documents to date, including the DEIS Scoping Outline and the DEIS, are available for public review in the Town Clerk’s office at Town Hall and on the Town of Ramapo's website at


Please take notice that the Town Board is holding this public hearing to allow the public to be heard on the revised zoning and Comprehensive Plan amendments. It is NOT a SEQRA hearing within the meaning of 6 NYCRR 617.9 for comments on the DEIS or the draft FEIS: the public hearing on the DEIS was closed to allow preparation of a draft FEIS, which has not yet been accepted by the Town Board.


Due to the ongoing Covid Pandemic and the constraints on public gathering, the Board anticipates the authority to hold remote meetings will be extended, and that it will conduct the hearing during a remote meeting via the Zoom platform. If that authority is not extended, the Board reserves the right to hold the meeting at Town Hall, to require that persons wishing to be heard be present, and to require persons wishing to enter to comply with all applicable federal, state and county health guidance.


Zoom instructions for viewing the meeting and participating in the public hearings will be posted on the Town website no later than the day before the meeting.


All interested parties will be heard. The hearing may then be closed or continued. The Board will receive public comment until the hearing is closed. Written comments may be submitted to the Town Clerk by email, regular mail or fax using the contact information below but must be received no later than 4:00 PM on the day of the meeting in order to be presented to the Board at the public hearing.


Contact information

                Email: [Subject: Watchtower zoning/CP comments]

                Regular Mail: Town Clerk, Ramapo Town Hall, 237 Route 59, Suffern NY 10901

                Fax: (845) 357-8513


Dated: December 27, 2021


                                                                        BY ORDER OF THE SUPERVISOR          

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